the elixir
Sweet Peach Elixir
Straight outta
When someone mentions Peach, it’s usually the sweet, juicy fruit of Georgia that comes to mind, not the medicinal properties of the leaf, bark, and flower. Despite that, Peach has a long and storied history of medicinal use the world over, including through portions of the United States. In North America, Appalachian herbalist Phyllis Light has helped to bring this wonderful remedy back to the broader herbal community through her teaching and writing. I grew up in the deep South and knew a little of its medicine as a young girl since it’s a traditional herb there, but learned a great deal more from Phyllis when I became a practicing herbalist. Here in southern New Mexico, Peach is a common orchard tree, and also can be frequently seen near old homesteads and along acequias in mountains and lowlands alike.
Being a member of the Rose family, Peach shares many cooling, anti-inflammatory properties with the Rose, including its gentle nature and sweetly aromatic taste. It’s safe even for children, the elderly, and pregnant women, and is incredibly good at what it does. Here I’ll be discussing the elixir in some details, but a wonderful tasting tea can be made with the dried leaves as well. If you have more than one Peach tree to choose from, it’s worthwhile to do a scratch and sniff test by gently scratching the bark of a small twig and sniffing. The tree that smells the strongest also tends to have the strongest medicine as far as relaxing, histamine moderating, and cooling properties
Peach is the perfect herb to explore during the long, hot days of Summer. It helps to soothe the irritability that often comes with extended periods of heat, as well as lessen the nausea, diarrhea, insomnia, and lack of appetite that can go with it. Here in New Mexico where Summers can be exceedingly hot and dry, some people develop a dry, hacking cough in response to the climate and I have found that the Peach Elixir works very well to soothe it. It works similarly on asthma aggravated by heat, and I always keep it on hand for my daughter who finds both it and our local Chokecherry, Prunus serotina, in easing her breathing issues during the hot months. The local Hispanics of my region think of Peach leaf as an overall Summer tonic, and given how many heat induced ills it can alleviate, I’m inclined to agree with them.
Peach has another property worth noting, it appears to moderate histamine response, making it very useful to have on hand in case of being stung by a bee, wasp, or other venomous insect. It can be applied topically as tincture, elixir, or poultice and taken internally. Take half to one ml (that’s appr. half to one dropperful from a one ounce tincture bottle) of the elixir as soon as you’re stung or bitten and then again if the sting/bite gets worse or in fifteen minutes if there are any symptoms. This is not necessarily a replacement for an epi pen, but can help eliminate the need for it in more minor situations and is great for the average person with a normal response to insect stings and bites. Some even find the action strong enough to help with seasonal or pet allergies as well. It doesn’t always work, but it’s certainly worth a try. See below for more specifics on this application.
For your elixir, it’s helpful to have on hand:
A pint canning jar (or other glass jar that seals well)
Fresh Peach leaves and/or flowers and twigs (the more aromatic the better, and either feral or domestic varieties will work)
About a pint of high quality brandy (the better the brandy, the better your elixir will taste)
Appr. 1/3 pint of raw honey (preferably local, and of a lighter wildflower type since darker honeys can muffle the Peach taste a bit)
A good stirring spoon
Step by Step Instructions
First, fill your jar all the way to the top with Peach leaves or flowers/twigs, you don’t have to pack them in but push them down a bit to minimize the air space in the jar.
Now, pour the honey in slowly, stirring as necessary, until the plant matter is well coated.
Next, fill to the top with brandy, against stirring as necessary to remove air bubbles and fill the jar evenly.
Now cover the jar with a tight fitting lid, and shake carefully to finish the mixing process.
Let macerate in a cool, dark place for four to six weeks (or as long as you can stand to wait.
When straining, reserve liquid.
Bottle and store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight until needed.
Optional Additions
Peach flesh/juice can also be added for additional flavor.
Rose petals compliment the medicine of Peach and they taste amazing together!
Cinnamon warms and spices up Peach, making it more appropriate year round.
Apple bark combines well with Peach specifically for gastric upset accompanied by heartburn.
Chamomile amplifies the digestion soothing properties of Peach, and they taste lovely together.
Chokecherry, Prunus serotina, bark and flowers have similar histamine moderating and respiratory relaxant properties, and work very well with Peach for those purposes.
Ideas for Application
Internally for soothing irritability and insomnia when the weather is hot or the tongue is bright red and the person feels overheated.
Internally for nausea, and vomiting from sun sickness, being overheated, morning sickness, and in any case where the tongue is red and the person feels excessively hot.
Internally for any gut upset, including nausea and diarrhea, with signs of heat and tension.
Internally for anxiety, tension, and irritability aggravated by the heat or resulting in feelings of overheatedness.
Internally for autoimmune flareups, especially those that cause inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Topically and internally for insect stings and bites.